Assignments will be posted on this page. Please note that to receive the starter code and submit the assignments, you will need to access the private course repository at, which you will gain access after completing a short survey on the course Moodle page. If you cannot access the above ghthub URL (and if you are a student of this course) after the first week of the semester, please contact the instructor.


Assignment policy

Assignments constitute 60% of the grade you will receive from this course (40% comes from your exam score). There will be 7 graded assignments, of which, 6 assignments (with best scores) will count toward your final grade. Assignments can be done in pairs. However, the same pair can work together only on a single assignment.

Assignments are only accepted through the GitHub repositories. No other form of submissions (e.g., email) are accepted.

The following information should be provided as the file/module docstring in Python assignments, and as comments at the beginning of the file for other file types that allow comments.

 Course:      Statistical Language processing - SS2021
 Assignment:  (Enter the assignment, "lab 1, exercise 1", for example)
 Author(s):   (Enter the full names of author(s) here)
 Description: (Enter a brief description of the module,
               not needed for files provided as starter code)
 Honor Code:  I pledge that this program represents my own work.